
The problem

Declaring WebElement locator can be painfull. In the end they’re nothing else but static strings 🙄. Selenium needs By and value (str). By is also a string. U can see it in Python selenium docs. So all i need is Tuple[str, str] that I can pass to WebDriver methods. Simple right? Yes but … 🤡 For example - web page has navigation section where there are list elements, that only differ by label.

    <li class="menu">Foo</li>
    <li class="menu">Bar</li>
    <li class="menu">Baz</li>

I want to be able to click each one of them. So the xpath values for them will be:

foo_xpath = "//ul/li[@class='menu' and contains(., 'Foo')]"
bar_xpath = "//ul/li[@class='menu' and contains(., 'Bar')]"
baz_xpath = "//ul/li[@class='menu' and contains(., 'Baz')]"

It can be painfull. Of course you can write a function and parametrize the string

def get_menu_xpath(label: str):
    return f"//ul/li[@class='menu' and contains(., '{label}')]"

But then you’ll end up with more functions, more parameters, more complex implementation🤒

abswt.elements.Locator is the solution 🤯 It provides handy way of hanling parameterized selectors, and of course includes simple standard ones.

The Locator class

Locator provides simple api for managing selenium locators.


from abswt.elements import Locator, Using

# simple clasic static locator
simple_button = Locator(Using.ID, 'button')
# >>> ('id', 'button')
# False
# []

# parameterized button
foo_action_button = Locator(Using.NAME, 'action-{foo}')
# >>> ('name', 'action-foo')
# >>> ('name', 'action-foobar')
# True
# ['foo']

# You can define many parameters
menu_element = Locator(Using.XPATH, "//ul/li[@class='{class_name}' and contains(., '{label}')]")
menu_element.get_by(class_name='menu', label='Foo')
# >>> ("xpath", "//ul/li[@class='menu' and contains(., 'Foo')]")
menu_element.get_by(class_name='active-menu', label='Bar')
# >>> ("xpath", "//ul/li[@class='active-menu' and contains(., 'Bar')]")

All you need to remeber is to pass parameters into get_by using keyword arguments with the same names as defined in value template 🧠.

Cool stuff.


Locator validates if the parameter has been passed to get_by. When not passed it will raise ValueError 🤖

button = Locator(Using.NAME, '{action}-{foo}')
# ValueError: get_by method is missing keyword arguments: ['action', 'foo']
# ValueError: get_by method is missing keyword argument: foo

Locators in Page Object Pattern

abswt.pages.Page is basic abstraction for defining Page Object Classes. It provides access to Actions with .actions parameter.

from abswt import expected_conditions as EC  # proxy import for selenium expected conditions

class SasKodzi(Page):
    url = 'https://sas-kodzi.pl'

    BLOG_BUTTON = Locator(Using.XPATH, '//a[@href="/blog"]')
    POST_BUTTON = Locator(Using.XPATH, "//section[@class='blog-post' and contains(., '{post_title}')]//a[contains(., 'Czytaj')]")

    def goto_posts(self) -> None:

    def open_post(self, post_title: str) -> None:
        self.actions.click(self.POST_BUTTON.get_by(post_title=post_title), condition=EC.visibility_of_element_located)

Then use page object

page = SasKodzi(actions)
page.open_post('some title')